Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Scheming Dreamers part timers pop/rock band . .


Money raised, with Anthony Roach (Steel Drums/Vocalist) as headliner.

 practice in basement, Alex (guitar)

 Family photos

Anthony's 50th The Partimers V2

Godin Acousticaster....sounds and feels like a Telecaster. Hollow body

PART TIMERS Band in Concert in St-Eustache/Deux -Montagnes for Charity event

'Dykeman Corner' with three guitars, two keyboards, harmonicas, vocal Mic

playing some lead guitar in early 2008 before the Part Timers.

Part Timers band is 6 person band with 2 guitarists, 1 bassist, drummer, female lead vocalist and one generalist (me) doing guitar, keyboards, harmonica and vocals.

One guitar player is versatile acoustic, electric (drummer when needed...we are part timers), and does great lead and back up vocals.

Band is doing charity work now, (we are not the charity) and some other non-paid work.

Next gig is Dollard -des -Ormeaux QC at Civic Center, for Sept 12, 2015.

Set up for PART TIMERS

The BAND Version 1

Previous session at 60th anniversary of Dina and Norman Dykeman
Music provided by Dykeman Family bands including:
John and Richard

 Jan 2016: Autism Spaghetti night charity event. New songs, more harmonica, more keyboards, less cowbell. New drummer Daniel.


New Brunswick, Grand Lake. Jemseg River. From the Dykeman farm on Grand Lake

Shore waves on Grand Lake

inlet of Jemseg River to St John River in New Brunswick